EXT MVP special!

EXT is offering a “Try EXT Before You Buy” deal to help you discover firsthand how our platform stands out. Experience easy scheduling, AI-powered routing, a full-featured mobile app, detailed job history tracking, and seamless QuickBooks integration—all before committing.
Built by landscaping pros for landscaping pros

Grow your profit with a modern solution

Ext is an extension of your landscaping business designed by over 30+ years of experience.

Insights to boost profit

Simplify your operations and get precise insights into areas that lack profit optimization.

Save $$$ on old software

Upgrade your spreadsheet or consolidate 2-4 software providers for the price of one.
iPhone mockup

Simple, flat pricing

No more complicated add-ons and surprises. At EXT, we provide a flat pricing for absolute certainty.

Get setup in 2-4 weeks

We walked in your shoes many times. Implement EXT and train your employees in less than 1 month.

All the tools you need to grow your landscape business.

Get started
EXT app mobile sized screen mockups of various user interface screens.