EXT is offering a “Try EXT Before You Buy” deal to help you discover firsthand how our platform stands out. Experience easy scheduling, AI-powered routing, a full-featured mobile app, detailed job history tracking, and seamless QuickBooks integration—all before committing.
Ext is an extension of your landscaping business designed by over 30+ years of experience.
Insights to boost profit
Simplify your operations and get precise insights into areas that lack profit optimization.
Save $$$ on old software
Upgrade your spreadsheet or consolidate 2-4 software providers for the price of one.
Simple, flat pricing
No more complicated add-ons and surprises. At EXT, we provide a flat pricing for absolute certainty.
Get setup in 2-4 weeks
We walked in your shoes many times. Implement EXT and train your employees in less than 1 month.
"For us, it's the ease of use and how flexible it is. You can problem solve in the app to make it work for your company."
Will Joyce
"EXT is extremely responsive. They took our feedback seriously and made changes quickly. It's a true extension of our business, not just another software."
Mike Shelley
"Now it takes me 10-15 minutes, whereas it used to take me several hours to go through everything my foreman needed to do."
Matthew Osmund
Commercial supervisor
All the tools you need to grow your landscape business.